even after a Societe Generale spokeswoman denied rumors of trouble.Societe
General, where traders have focused their attention, fell 15% and BNP Paribas
dropped 10%.All financial stocks led the decline on worries that any French
bank problems could spread globally.Fitch are ready to downgrade France.The KBW bank index slid 7%. Large
financial institutions' shares sank, including Bank of America Corp, down 8%.
The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 4%.The Standard & Poor's 500 Index
lost 3.2%.The Nasdaq Composite Index fell 3%.
French corpfare is out of control!Corpfare is corporate welfare, such as
subsidies, bailouts, and monopolies, granted by government to davajides, pimps
of kleptocrats.French corpfare is like steroids, it may look attractive tospecial interests, transforms corps to corpses, and is unconstitutional.Even
loans by French government-sponsored entities constitute another form of
subsidy. French zombiecorps, zombie corporations, badly in need of structural
reform, but kept alive by state subsidies, badly hamper growth.
France-Fourth Reich relations have become increasingly similar to the Ballet de
la Merlaison, created by Louis XIII of France in the 17th century.In this
unique ballet, the king authored the work and played the leading role. All the
other roles in the ballet were considered extras, who eagerly danced to the tune
of the king.
As long as the king was still alive, this ballet was considered to be the work
of a genius.Sarko, who loves the Ballet de la Merlaison, a*serts France should
play the leading role in Fourth Reich. But we all know that France and all
countries of Fourth Reich have become economic provinces of Germany!Well,
France is now the leading colony of Germany!harmonization of economic rules, policies, and laws in Fourth Reich.Any
eurozone problem is interpreted as a consequence of the lack of harmonization
and leads to another wave of a creeping harmonization.
Following every crisis meeting with Napoleon Sarko, Chancellor Merkel always
declares that coordinating tax policies and labor laws is not just about
currency issues but also about political cooperation, which has to be deepened.
In other words, more enslavement to Brussels, transforming the confederation to
a federation!
Most MEPs want an end to the practice of meeting in both Brussels and
Strasbourg.Opponents of the two-city system want Brussels to be EP's sole
venue, but Napoleon Sarko resists.Although most working sessions take place in
Brussels, Strasbourg currently hosts four full EP sessions each month under a
concession granted to France in 1992.Travel between Brussels and Strasbourg for
750 MEPs and thousands of their staff, riding the infamous exclusive gravy
train, costs half billion euros each year.There have been repeated campaigns
to change the system, but this would require all Fourth Reich countries to
approve the move.
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