by kerryvaughan
This past month I have had an outbreak of pimples and I need to know how to get rid of them!!!!Are there any way to cure them without using products???Oh and can you please tell me what causes pimples!Thanks sooo much!
Answer by joshua
dont scratch or touch ur pimples, because that would just get more bacteria in them and the more bacteria you have the longer it takes to cure or you could just pop them.and junk food causes breakouts
Answer by Alwyn C
Sometimes they are caused by eating too much junk foods and chocolates or chips. They can also be caused by something in your body going wrong. It's what they call an outward sign of something wrong inside. They can also be caused by not keeping your face clean. You can usually get some kind of cream at the supermarket, but if this doesn't work , I suggest you see your doctor.
Answer by Jacky S
Clogged pores cause pimples. Seriously, I hate to sound like Jessica Simpson or P.Diddy, but you should try proactiv. It really works.
Answer by mickiariana
Wash your face twice a day with a good cleanser.I myself use Aveeno and Olay.Also rubbing toothpaste on ur zits will help dry them up.Dont touch them because it can cause irritation and bigger zits.Also, one more thing NEVER POP PIMPLES!!!!It causes scarring and leaves u with a biiger mess than u began with!
Answer by luckybuny07
oils in your skin causes it go to your doctor to get a prsicriibtion i got benza clien or something like that it works really good
Answer by antair_x13
don't pick at your zits!you can go to your local famacy or convienence store and get Cetaphil.it's done wonders for my skin.
keep in mind that you zits may be due to stress or diet women sometimes break out when they are PMSing or mentruating.(people say diet doesn't do any thing to you skin but it can depending on how your body reacts to what you eat.) when you wash use something that cleans you skin with out leaving it overly dry.getting rid of zits and then have to deal with dry facial skin is not fun.it it persist talk to you doctor about it.they may have some suggestions.
Answer by tomorjerry
Acne and pimples is one of the most distressing and depressing problems faced mostly by youngsters.Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day.Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples.There are more such remedies at http://useinfo-acne.blogspot.com/
Orignal From: Pimples!!!!!!!!!?
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