This is the private one and where I will be more open and will be able to add pictures.В If you gave me your email address, I have added you to the list.В All you have to do is go in from your computer or phone where you have your email account set up or access to.В If you would like to be added, just let me know at daveangwinters@yahoo.comВ or leave a message here.
The second option is caringbridge
This is open to anyone who sets up an account.В There won't be pictures on here or too much personal information.В
I will leave this page up on this blog so its easy to link on.В For those of you who have my blog on your websites, itВ may be easiest to link the caring bridge site.В Thank you so much for following.
I have met many incredible people through the short time I have been blogging.В Things like her swim suit, certain methods to help with pain, etc have only been found from other moms blogging.В It makes me sad that I have had to go private because ofВ rotten people, but I hope by doing both sites, I can still have the relationships continue with other parents.В
Voters blame Bush more than Obama for the economy
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