One day I’m content.В The next I’m not.
I get my hopes up that we’ll move.В I pray we do.В And then it doesn’t seem like it after all.
This is the first place I’ve lived where I have no desire to be.В Not one iota of my heart.
Even though my husband is getting paid a lot of money I feel like it’s not enough.В Because I want out of here.В And now.
Our bank account is not growing fast enough.
My husband calls and wants to spend $600 on a gun and I get depressed.В Because I want a house more than a gun.В And I want out of here more than a gun.В More than anything really.
I know we need to bide our time but it feels more like doing time.
I feel idle.В Sitting here.В Not accomplishing much.В Because I have no desire.
I feel like I’m missing out.В I think of this time last year.В How exciting it was.В How un-exciting it feels right now.В And how un-motivated I am to do anything really.
I pick up my guitar and sing myself the blues (after still trying to switch from D to A without looking and still being frustrated as hell I can’t do it!).
And I wait.
Not very patiently.
One never knows though do they?
Like this:
[xeefun] L'Ermitage Beverly Hills Hotel Los Angeles California
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